

Third Eye Chakra new


As Albert Einstein once said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Awakening our third eye chakra opens us to higher levels of perception and allows us to gain a greater command of life through our innate intuitive and psychic abilities. While we might acknowledge the sensation of a ‘gut feeling’ many of us have forgotten the innate power of our sixth sense. In Sanskrit this chakra is known as Ajna, which literally means to perceive and to command. Our third eye chakra oversees the health of our eyes, as well as the pineal gland, which regulates our internal body clock through the production of melatonin.

In Chakradance, we are able to tap into the guidance of our third eye and become more in tune with it. Chakradance can open us to ecstatic and altered states of consciousness through trance-like movements so each dancer drifts into his or her own visual universe of images, colours, and insights. The third eye has no boundaries and Chakradance has developed a way to step safely into this open space, entering a deep meditative state so as to focus our attention on the third eye chakra and its vibrational colour of indigo.

In Chakradance we learn that when the third eye chakra is deficient in energy we have an overt lack of trust in our intuition. By not being attuned to the subtle capabilities of the third eye, we may fail to pick up on meaningful signs and synchronicities, which if acknowledged could guide us and help us through life. On the other hand, when the third eye chakra is excessive in energy our intuition becomes distorted, often to the point where deep meaning is given to anything and everything. Some escape into an all-consuming fantasy world, which can make it difficult to distinguish between what is real and not real. Constantly being bombarded with so-called insights and images, this excessive energy needs to be grounded.

Unfortunately modern living works against developing our third eye chakra. Some call it the biggest cover up in human history. Everyone’s third eye (aka pineal gland) has the potential to be activated so that it can tap into higher frequencies which also brings about a sense of euphoria and oneness with everyone and everything. Ancient Egyptian and Roman societies were well aware of the amazing benefits of the third eye, hence their usage of the symbol of the eye in their paintings. While the third eye is still used in jewellery, fashion and art today, it’s true power is forgotten. In my next post, I’ll discuss how modern society is killing the development of our third eye and five key ways to reverse and enhance it.

Have a beautiful day and keep all your eyes open!


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