

Cashew Milk

One of my New Year resolutions is to avoid drinking cow’s milk. In case you weren’t already aware, non-organic cow’s milk contains a cocktail of potentially toxic ingredients including hormones, steroids, and antibiotics.

Cows raised on intensive production farms don’t roam around happily in grassy meadows instead their mistreatment produces stress-response cells, which are then transferred to the milk we consume. On top of this and contrary to popular belief, cow’s milk weakens rather than strengthens our bones. Our bodies need an alkaline environment to help ward off autoimmune diseases like cancer however dairy produces an acidic environment in our body. And as the nutritional scientist, Amy Lanou points out, “The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk and have the most calcium in their diets.”

Even more worryingly, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study, discovered that the milk protein casein is carcinogenic. He explains that as humans we are not designed to drink cow’s milk since our body recognizes casein as a foreign invader and then our own immune cells start attacking these milk proteins leading to diseases like cancer. Since the milk industry is so powerful, studies like these are continually played down. Throw into this equation that millions of people are lactose-intolerant (according to research by the NHS in the UK, 95 per cent of Asians are lactose intolerant) and you need to ask, why on earth is anyone still drinking cow’s milk?

Thankfully, we do have a choice today and can go for a delicious alternative. Personally, I’m not keen on the soya or rice milk however I’m nutty for cashew milk, created by an ethical company called Essentially. This protein powerhouse contains water, cashew, agave, coconut butter, vanilla, sea salt. It is high in zinc, which rebuilds the body’s collagen supply and keeps you looking young, and when combined with raw cacao, you supersize the nutritional antioxidants. Cacao Cashew Milk tastes like chocolate and boosts your serotonin levels. No wonder cacao literally means ‘the food of Gods’.

Click here to get organic, cashew milk delivered to your doorstep in Dubai.