

Yoga Pose

The yogini: Arezu Karoobi (Chinmayi)

The pose: The wheel (aka Chakrasana)

The location: Safa Park, Dubai

The benefits:
This slightly daunting pose (sometimes called the Upward Facing Bow) is a powerful posture that strengthens your thighs and abdominal muscles. It also boosts the flexibility of your back and hips. Mentally, it is said to boost your memory, ease mild depression and let your heart sing. It’s definitely an asana worth mastering!

About the yogini:
Arezu is a contemporary artist and Hatha teacher at Ananda Yoga Center in Dubai. Initially, it was severe back pain and a knee injury that guided her to yoga and led her to train with traditional gurus at the Sivananda Yoga ashram in Kerala, India. Gradually this Persian yogi found the practice helped her connect with her inner self. “Physically I’m so much stronger now – I did a mountain trek in Kenya which included walking up to 11 hours per day. Before I got into yoga, I could barely walk for one hour without getting exhausted. Emotionally, I feel far more focused and serene. Nowadays I see every disappointment as a test of your inner strength.” Yoga has also sparked Arezu’s creativity and fueled many of her art pieces. When she’s not on the mat or holding a paintbrush, she loves cooking, scuba diving, playing the piano and dancing. “One of my favourite asanas is the wheel pose,” she admits. “I have photos of me when I was four months old (see one below) doing the pose! My parents tell me every time I was put on the floor I would go into this posture. Still to this day I feel fantastic doing the wheel.”

baby yoga

One of Arezu’s favourite teachers, Sita Acharya is holding a workshop at Ananda Yoga Center from April 16-19. For more information go to