

Sabeena Grewal

The yogini: Sabeena Grewal

The pose: The camel (aka Ustrasana)

The location: Zoga Yoga Cafe, Downtown Dubai

The benefits: This posture strengthens the back and heart region, stimulates fight or flight response for bolts of energy and it’s great for a healthy thyroid. If back pain or hip flexors are tight resist going deep into the back end – place a block between the thighs to squeeze the inner thighs, which helps to protect the lumbar spine. Ustrasana also helps to activate our heart chakra, also known as anahata (meaning ‘unstruck’ in Sanskrit), which is home to our feelings of love and compassion.

Where’s home?
My hometown is Montréal, Québec; and I have lived in Toronto, Ontario for the last ten years. I moved to Dubai last month.

When did your yoga journey begin?
My yoga journey began during my childhood. At that point, it was solely about the postures and displaying them to my family and friends; little did I know that yoga was so much more than touching my toes. It was long after that I had decided that I want to fully immerse myself in the yogic philosophy. It’s become my passion, my life, and I want to share it with my circle/my tribe.

What kind of yoga do you teach and when/where did you qualify?
I completed my 200 hours training in Vinyasa, Ashtanga Primary Series, and Restorative Yoga in Costa Rica with Drishti Yoga in April 2014. I teach Vinyasa, Power Yoga and Restorative classes.

Yoga transforms – what is the biggest change you have seen in yourself?
The biggest change I have seen is becoming present. I am conscious of every breath I inhale and exhale, I feel connected to our universe – I see that we are one, without a hierarchy, one love to another, living our lives on individual paths yet we are all interconnected. It’s all love.

Besides yoga, what are your passions in life?
I love to travel. This world is our home, and I want to be a part of it through my travel adventures, meeting new friends, sharing our stories, laughing and building a community wherever I go. I love to be in nature, discovering new hiking places and simply absorbing nature’s beauty.

What’s your healthy go-to snack?
Guacamole and mangoes.

What gets you upset?
I get upset if I hear or watch the news, I know it’s not all negative out there.

What makes you happiest?
Seeing the sun shine, star gazing, watching the evolution of moon phases, hearing someone laugh and fresh flowers.

If you were marooned on an island with just 3 things, what would they be?
This is always a tricky question for me. I would take matches, a chicken (for the eggs and conversation), and mango seeds.

What’s your mantra in life?
Be present, feel your every breath. There is no other time that exists – move forward with love and gratitude for all species of our home.

What are your future dreams?
I just accomplished one of my dreams (to move to a new country and make it my home), from here on simply enjoy this adventure and go with the flow.

To book a class with Sabeena go to