


Dr Pradeep Ullal is a Himalayan spiritual master, clair-cognizant, powerful healer and the Founder of the Kevala Foundation. Here he opens up about past lives, rising above suffering and miraculous healing…

First of all, can you explain what clair-cognizance is?
Clair-cognizance literally means ‘clear knowing’. So, you know something yet often without memory of how you got to know it or why you know it. Clair-cognizance is characterised by a strong sense of knowing that goes beyond logic and when this intuitive information comes into the non-thinking mind, it comes from a higher source.

So, are you an enlightened yogi?
If I say ‘I am enlightened’, then it’s not a true statement. If ‘I’ (self-ego) drops, then enlightenment happens. Enlightenment is a progressive journey of completion and with a source of creative intelligence. There are several dimensions to this. We are souls that are journeying in progressive stages of ‘knowingness’. In our human journey, we tend to lack remembrance of our soul essence. Hence we try to rise above the ‘illusory’ experience and realize that ‘true’ state. Enlightenment is beamed through deserving souls for the purpose of serving other beings and not for glory, fame or power. A pure soul is used as a ‘pipeline’ or a ‘beacon’ to ‘trans-receive’ pure consciousness to raise the awareness and vibrations of earthlings. When (I) ego-self is merged with universal self (I), we can witness everything emerging from one ray of light. We are from one soul and source. I feel that all the time. This is called ‘Constant Integrated Awareness’.

Do you feel at home on planet earth?
I’m in celebration within and with everything around me, but it took me some time to click into the human journey. I’ve been away from this planet for a long time. I wasn’t in sync when I first arrived on earth, as I felt out of place with the power, control games, suffering and emotional drama that people carry with them.

Is there any goodness that comes out of suffering?
Yes and what we call suffering actually turns out to be ‘blossoming’. It is intense and painful when we are ignorant. However suffering is a wake-up call to transformation. A shattering within can lead us to an acute uprising of awareness to inspire us to a higher state. When suffering happens, we have an opportunity to learn to rise above it. This enables us to witness the larger picture of our journey. It is a deeply comforting to realize that all events that are happening to us are actually for the ‘highest good’.

Do you feel joyful on a daily basis?
I’m in a constant state of integrated awareness, celebration and bliss. It’s a causeless joy and it can’t be explained in words. I feel nothingness and fullness at the same time. Nothingness to me is realization that I am merely cosmic dust that has emerged from a void. The fullness is of deep contentment. I know that I am not the ‘doer’ but am guided by a higher self.

Do you ever get stressed or worried?
We often feel the pressure of living someone else’s dream. We have acquired a persona with a signature pattern that drives traits of ego, fear, worry, anger, greed, desires and dreams. It takes courage to rise above the patterns and emerge as a liberated being. I am a free-spirit. I am here on a holiday, celebrating a life dedicated to loving and serving. I’ve not come here to seek any glory, I’ve been sent here to heal, inspire and guide others on the path of ascension. It’s a deep realisation and hence there is no stress. Like every other co-passenger on this earthly journey, I am bound by universal laws. So I learn to accept, adapt and rise above vulnerabilities and challenges in life. I stay aware, fit, strong, healthy and fine-tuned so that I can serve people more effectively.

Do you have a fear of death?
I have been blessed with the experience of death many times, so that I understand it with clarity and drop all fears associated with it. I am ready to drop my body now, if it is not serving any purpose anymore. What we call death is just an interlude or a comma in an eternal journey. Death is a peaceful state. The stress of our role-play is erased and bliss returns. The fear of dying comes from the heaviness that we have to drop unfulfilled desires. It also stems from the realisation that we did not fulfill the purpose of our human journey. We spend an entire lifetime chasing something that we can’t carry with us. Most journeys are repetitive and cyclical, until a soul liberates itself from the bondage of karma, dharma, desires and so on. A mature or an eternal soul learns to journey back to its source faster by overcoming all fears related to death. A soul is deathless. Only a body can degenerate and decay. A soul is programmed to evolve and eventually return to its source.

Do you have any memory of previous lives?
I have an awareness of previous lives. However, I don’t remember all the details. I get to know the necessary information at the point of need.

How do you read people?
I read people from the soul dimension. What they are wearing, their accent, status or possessions do not clutter my reading. Owing to social conditioning, most people wear many masks and project what they want others to see. I have trained myself to rise above the perceptions that tend to constantly measure and compare. I am open to receive people in an honest and simple approach. I just absorb the soul fragrance. I also see through their depth and potential that emerges from their core. I receive this as vibrations and this gives me clarity on their stage of journey. Most of us tend to slip into predictable patterns based on influences of genetics, education, environment and culture. I read from all available inputs that reflect the stage of their journey. For instance, we all express ourselves through body language and movement. There is a dance of energies between people yet we tend to miss the details as we are consumed in our inner conflicts and thinking process. What I notice in others is that we are all inter-connected through the same energy grid on this planet. There are ways to unravel the mystical aspect through swara yoga techniques.

Do you recognise souls from past lives?
When I look into your eyes, I tap into your soul journey. I can make out if I’ve had a connection with you in a past journey. No meeting or encounter is a co-incidence; people often turn up in our lives at a certain time for a specific reason. It’s a deep arrangement that needs to be recognised. I register all the faces of beings who are meant to rise to a higher level or who have experienced a past journey with me.

Tell us more about your karmic cleansing and healing sessions…
I’m a naturally gifted healer. I help people penetrate through their pain and limitations. If a higher, pure being is in your presence, your energy body is already responding to the flow of healing. Energy flows and has no reasons to hold back unless we bring in resistances. I’m here to transform journeys of aspirants who are ready to rise above the struggle and attain their deserving levels. However, only a small percentage of seekers truly sustain to rise above the illusory drama of maya and attain a constant level of higher awareness. Karmic cleansing is a powerful and essential technique. I don’t interfere with anyone’s karmic states. I help them identify and release the patterns quickly. We have stored toxins, engraved memories of pain, fear and suffering in our cells, muscles, neurons and so on.

Why do some people never seem to heal though?
Karmic resistance is a tough nut to crack. There are deeper processes that I help people with to emerge out of these limitations. We have stored deep-seated emotions as engraved memories (engrams). This is bio-chemical information hard coded into our cells that refuses to go away. Some people choose to wallow in the past and repeat the cycle of the drama, as they feel comfortable in it. The in-built logic, resistances, rigidity and cynical approach have to be dropped before healing can happen. One has to accept and surrender to the higher possibility. It comes from within as a deep-seated intent.

After doing your healing sessions, how do you re-energize?
I am empowered by infinite cosmic channels, kundalini shakti and elemental forces that are guiding me. Hence I am not drained or limited by any healing session. One has to be pure, honest and dedicated to serving, so that rivers of grace enable us to be in a sustained yogic state. If we assume that we are healers, we subscribe to the cause and effect process. When I channel or transmit the healing energies, I feel the intensity of it reaching out to thousands of beings. I am like a pure pipeline and cosmic masters are channeling through beings like me. It’s happening all the time. I feel gratitude and joy as I witness miraculous healing.

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