

Part Two

As an eerily deep-voiced Ohmm vibration swirls and hums in the background, I find myself standing in the middle of an airy room; Yogi Pradeep’s sacred meditation room. I’m not quite sure what is about to occur next but I’m keen to understand the quest for higher consciousness and I’m very curious about awakening my Kundalini Shakti (the kinetic powerhouse that sits at the base of the spine). Yogi Pradeep says that I will receive the feeling I truly deserve at the moment. If I go away feeling a blissful high, then that will give me a glimpse into why so many aspirants are chasing this elusive, yet magical piece of heaven-on-earth.

So let me give you a peek into the power of Kundalini. Yogi Pradeep begins by pressing pressure points on my crown chakra, then from a distance, runs his hand from the base of my spine towards my throat chakra. Five minutes later my body is swaying very slowly, as a rush of heat encircles me. There is a gentle dance of energies within me. Despite this unusual trance-like sensation, I’m still aware of my surroundings. Later, as the energy builds up, I’m beginning to feel nauseous, as if I’m about to vomit. In fact, momentarily, I have to stop and lie down on the sofa.

Yogi Pradeep explains that this reaction sometimes happens since deep-seated emotions in the sub-conscious come to the surface. I discover afterwards that this is also a method of burning past karmic debt, which is stored in our cellular memories. As humans, we are sensitive creatures and carry around much suffering and pain from our past, trapped in our body cells.

The next stage involves a special cleansing technique, which involves gently throttling the throat. Yogi Pradeep asks if I trust him before the energy-inducing procedure starts. It involves holding your breath for a few seconds while your neck is lightly strangled. The idea is to surrender rather than resist while it is happening. Although it may bring up latent fears or even flashes of light within, it really isn’t as alarming as it sounds. Instead it helps eliminate toxins as well as negative, limited thoughts from the brain. The soothing chants help to relax me and it is over quite quickly.

Many claim Yogi Pradeep has mastered this innovative technique, and that he knows how to awaken blocked energies and help seekers raise their inner kinetic power, in a safe yet fast way. And apparently, he has gifted this awareness to thousands of people across the world. On a scientific level, if executed masterfully, this Kundalini awakening stimulates the gamma waves in our brain (which are the highest frequency waves), which are responsible for profound cognitive functioning and a heightened sense of consciousness.

At the end of this slightly bizarre session, I sit with my eyes closed, absorbing all the intense energy into my body. I’m feeling blissful, a state which feels close to Zazen. And as I leave Yogi Pradeep’s house, I have a bounce in my step. Walking towards the car park, among the hissing, honking traffic, a heady, loving feeling takes over. I suddenly feel like hugging a random stranger on the street – I don’t, but I’m aware that my serotonin levels have gone up several notches.

Surprisingly, the following morning, the effects have intensified. There’s an immense feeling of joy, as if I’m floating on air. Imagine smoking a joint (without any paranoia or negative effects) and multiply that by ten. It’s an incredible rush and unlike anything I’ve experienced until now. I smile at the woman who bumps into me with her shopping trolley; it’s as if nothing in the world can disturb me. It’s quite astonishing. So much that I have to text Yogi Pradeep: “Wow! What did you do? And how long does this amazing feeling last?” He reminds me that he has simply channeled pure transmissions of love and compassion from his higher self and transferred some of that energy to me. He then adds: “Remember to stay grounded!” If I could be in a state that feels pretty close to nirvana, forever, then I’d never have another worry in the world. The question is, how long will this high last?

Yogi Pradeep says it’s possible to attain a ‘Constant Integrated Awareness’ of this blissful, loving and liberating state. Which sounds unbelievable! I’m keen to explore further and I’m super excited about accessing a deeper awareness under the watchful presence of a true yogi.

To be continued…

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