
“Breathing in, I calm my body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment is the only moment”

Thich Nhat Hanh

I’m a qualified a Zen Meditation & Mindfulness Coach and I’m incredibly passionate about the practice of meditation because I’ve witnessed how it has transformed my own life. Whenever doubt, fear or anxiety arise, meditating helps to develop an instant sense of inner calm. I trained with Zen Master Daizan Skinner Roshi (who received dharma transmission from Rinzai Zen Master Shinzan Roshi) who is a tremendously inspirational source of wisdom and lives and breathes ‘mindful’ living.

I’ve also trained extensively with Kundalini Master and Himalayan Yogi, Dr Pradeep Ullal (who is one of the few yogis in the world who is able to awaken the life force energy that resides at the base of our spine). He guided me through a life transforming Kundalini Awakening and taught me how to let go of my fears, release excess baggage, overcome limiting belief patterns and awaken to abundance of love within me. He has healed thousands of aspirants around the world.

I’m passionate about helping others to heal through meditation, mindfulness techniques, energetically and from my own life experience and wisdom passed on from spiritual masters.

For more information on my next retreat please email or text +971 50 8742229.


Love & Light,

Sarah signature


P.S. The benefits of meditation can include:

*A deep sense of relaxation
*Decreased muscle tension
*Less anxiety, fear & stress
*Increased levels of energy
*Improved concentration & productivity
*A stronger immune system
*More self-confidence
*Enhanced feelings of happiness
*Inner calm & peace of mind
*A blissful state that meditators sometimes refer to as ‘nothingness’