

Susan Singer NEW

The yogi: Susan Singer

The location: A beach in Santa Monica, California

The pose: King Dancer (aka Natarajasana)

The benefits: The King Dancer (also called the Lord of the Dance) is a real endorphin-booster. It’s a pose that requires flexibility, strength, balance and grace. On an emotional level, it is a freedom-enhancing posture that calms the mind and helps to resolve fears of betrayal and abandonment. The King Dancer pose is a real chest-opener and breaks down barriers around the heart chakra, creating more openness to giving and receiving love.

About the yogi: Susan credits a regular yoga routine with bringing depth and positivity into her life. Yoga has also taught her how to open up her heart. “Despite being a loving person, I’ve always felt that I was someone who was disconnected from my own heart,” says Susan. “Let’s just say that boyfriends have come and gone, but I’ve never really been in love. During a session of kundalini, which I’ll never forget, it managed to bring tears to my eyes. It was as if a wave of vulnerability and love poured through me – like my heart was dusting off webs. It was a moment that changed me forever.” Today, the Californian yogi (who is a self-confessed coffee snob) has just launched her own docu-series called Get Naked With Susan Singer where she interviews creative entrepreneurs and artists. You can follow her on Twitter @susansingertv