

mindfulness mondays


Dumbing down populations has been a way of governments trying to control the masses for centuries. We are being fed commodities that over time shut down our intuition levels (aka, the third eye chakra) lower our IQ and potentially even cause us brain damage (affecting the crown chaka). Hitler, once a master of mind control, said: “How fortunate for the leaders that men do not think”. For dictators like him, it’s far easier to control a sluggish, sedated population who don’t bother to question the status quo. Democratic countries employ more subtle forms of keeping the masses from rising in spiritual awareness. So, let’s examine the key silent weapons of mass destruction that dumb us down and keep us in a semi-numbed state of being…


Growing up, do you remember being told how wonderful fluoride is? Mainstream media kept reminding us that it keeps our bones strong and prevents tooth decay. And that justified why fluoride exists in so many tap water systems and in our toothpaste. Yet, if we take a closer look at this chemical, the results are quite alarming. According to medical experts fluoride was once used as a pesticide and it was even registered as poisonous under the 1972 Poisons Act in the US. Obviously, in a watered down form, fluoride is less toxic however, studies show that it still slowly impairs and erodes our immune system. Fluoride also has a negative impact on our pineal gland, which besides regulating our hormones, is responsible for the opening of our third eye, which is linked to spiritual awakening. We are born as highly intuitive beings and yet a lifetime of consuming substances like fluoride can kill this awareness and keep our third eye chakra closed, meaning we are less likely to raise our vibrational energy field.


While some of us read food ingredient labels and eat in a healthy fashion, it’s still worth considering who is controlling what we eat and what effect is it having. At present, one single company, Monsanto produces roughly 95% of soybeans and corn in the US. Much of what people eat comes from these genetically modified crops, which are also sprayed continually with carcinogenic pesticides. While genetic modifications might make products look more aesthetically alluring (and boost profit margins), the long-term side-effects are dangerous. Take the genetically modified soybean as one example. It has been touted as a health food for years, despite thousands of studies proving the opposite. Unfermented soy has been linked to infertility, birth defeats and even brain defects. It’s important to educate yourself about the difference between fermented and unfermented soy too – the former has several health benefits including vitamin K2 (the forgotten vitamin!) A weakened immune system not only means that we will fall sick more often, it dulls our senses, meaning it’s far less likely that we will be able to experience a higher awareness or growth.


According to leading medical experts, aspartame is by far one of the most dangerous substances that is added to our food. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener in over 5000 food products including diet sodas, cereals and chewing gum. Since its discovery in 1965, Aspartame caused great controversy regarding its health risks – primarily causing brain tumors – and initially the FDA refused to endorse it. However, this banned substance was released on the market in 1995 despite a list of 92 symptoms (including sleep problems, rashes, tinnitus, Alzheimer’s and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) associated with it.

Essentially aspartame distorts our thyroid gland (associated with our throat chakra) and our neuron activity in our brains (our crown chakra). Again, this thwarts emotional, physical and spiritual growth.

The first step to tackling such poisons, is to simply be aware of what you are eating and drinking. As consumers, we have the power to make choices so that we don’t slowly allow these hidden substances to destroy our mind, body and spirit. We can make proactive, healthy choices and in the process, we can start detoxifying our pineal gland. After all, an awakened pineal gland is what allows us to connect with our innate intuition so that we can consciously explore other dimensions, foresee the future and act as a pillar of light. Once we can start acknowledging each other’s light and spark, we become more peaceful and unified. And this higher frequency consciousness can then manifest in service to others. And as Thich Nhat Han says, “We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness”. Namaste!

Love & Light,

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